FAQ: What to Wear When Everyone Has Covid


Well, here we are again.

It's everywhere, some of us are stuck at home due to one close contact or another, and everyone is out of practice getting dressed.

So, I put together this list of style FAQ's that should get you through just about any situation you will encounter in the next few weeks!

Q: What should I wear on the flight home from visiting family for the holidays? 
A: Your flight is cancelled, stay in the stained pjs you've been wearing since Tuesday.

Q: What should I wear to the family party that I can no longer go to because my daughter tested positive an hour before we were about to leave? 
A: Put on a snuggie and go to your room.

Q: What should I wear when I'm teetering between staying home to be safe or saying screw it and going out to live my life? 
A: Ah! Straight leg high waisted jeans, a cropped sweater in your favorite color, white sneakers and a favorite necklace.

Q: What should I wear while driving all over the state looking for rapid tests? Are skinny jeans still in? 
A: Don't bother, and who cares.

Q: What should I wear to the living room when I'm finally done isolating in the bedroom? 
A: It's been 5 days, PLEASE shock your family by emerging in your most formal dress. If you have a wind fan lying around, all the better.


I hope you've found some practical and helpful advice above.

If you'd like more, hire me for my famous Closet Cleanup and/or a personal shopping trip!

I am temporarily back to 2020 protocols and masking up to work with clients who also agree to be masked during our meetings.

You can contact me here.

Thank you for your support!

Jill Marinelli