A Mini Manifesto


I believe that every piece of empowering women is important.

I believe that when women look good, they feel good, and when they feel good, they DO good.

When women feel confident, they connect with others; they inspire; they are kind.

I believe that when a woman feels at ease in her body she is free.

I believe that when we are in a positive space in our minds and bodies, we are closest to our truest selves.

And that feels BLOODY FANTASTIC.

And when we feel fantastic we are brave enough to create the lives we want.

I believe that only once we are in the flow of positivity does more positivity come – and our brains and hearts work better in this state.

{Inspiration doesn’t tend to come on the days we feel like shit. Or fearful. Or fat.}

And so, punishing ourselves for being the wrong size or the wrong weight or for having the wrong hair or body shape doesn’t inspire positive change, it keeps us STUCK.

Feeling good about our bodies and the way we look is just one piece of the empowerment puzzle, but it is a powerful one with the potential to be a springboard for change in other areas of our lives.

And this is why I do what I do.